Thursday, January 4, 2007

FWD: I feel so... Dirty.

by: Emily Dangdiddilydo Dodge
" the LORD God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being"
-Genesis 2:7

When I read the first few chapters of Genesis it's quite similar to me watching one of my favorite movies.
I love watching Robin Hood Men in Tights. I well never grow tired of it... ever. In fact.. now that I've mentioned it, I'll probably watch it tonight.
Anywho... While I watch that movie it's easy for me to just let everything fly by me.. because it's so redundant and I almost have every line memorized.
It's the same when I read Genesis. It's a story that I've been told since I can remember. I've read over the chapters several times. It's easy for me to just think.. "why, this is pleasant, I enjoy it". And not really pay attention.
But last night when I was reading, Genesis 2:7 popped out at me, and it really hit me. Harder than any Mel Brooks Quote... believe it or not. :0)
"formed the man from the dust of the ground" Are you kidding me??? Dust isn't even good enough to be dirt. Atleast people like dirt... you can do stuff with dirt, grow things and plant and walk on it. Dust is just there, an annoyance.
How easy it is for me to forget just where I came from, and who I am.
Why is it so easy to forget who God is? To blotch out all that God has done and continues to do. As if it's not a big deal.
It's hard for me to get over myself. Wether I'm complaining about how bad things are, or taking pride in something I've accomplished. It's stupidity.

Without God, I am nothing but Dust.


You can call me Kentolla said...

Forward this blog onto your personal blog for rich rewards in the afterlife and sweet sensations in the hear and now...

nattyman said...

Some people are still like dust, just laying around doing nothing but annoying people. I am that way sometimes.

lobiwan said...

1. Agronomists prefer the term soil for dirt that is useful.

2. I have never seen Men in Tights, and I don't know why.