Friday, August 31, 2007

Top Ten things I wish I Knew When I was a Freshman:

This was a top ten I did for youth group this week, talking about fitting into what God wants of you instead of what everyone else wants...

10. Senior Cheerleaders have boyfriends - and even if they don’t, they don’t want to date you…
9. Your hair isn’t as cool as you think it is…

8. Books are for reading, not drawing in…
7. You should never, and I repeat NEVER where underwear on your head, no matter what…
6. If an upper classman invites you to go with a bunch of his buddies out to a field to do something you’ve never heard of, you probably shouldn’t go…
5. Your glasses are not as cool as you think either…

4. While showering after gym is embarrassing, smelling like rotten trash could be worse…
3. Girls are not impressed with burps, farts or spitting…
2. You should always, always, always wear deodorant. Lots and lots of deodorant…
1. You will never be cool enough…

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