Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Quotable Quotes from the book "In a Pit With a Lion On a Snowy Day" by Mark Batterson

So I've been reading this book and here are few ideas or quotes from my reading today that really challenged me and inspired me:

"Maybe a relationship with God doesn't simplify our lives. Maybe it complicates our lives in ways that they should be complicated.
All I know is this: Marriage complicates my life, Kids complicate my life. Pastoring a growing church complicates my life. Wealth will complicate your taxes, and success will complicate your schedule. Thank God for complications." (pg 85)

Speaking about Corrie ten Boom a Nazi concentration camp survivor:
"Corrie used to speak to audiences about her horrific experiences in the concentration camps, and she would often look down while she talked. She wasn't reading her notes. She was actually working on a piece of needlepoint. After sharing about the doubt and anger and pain she experienced, Corrie would reveal the needlepoint, She would hold up the backside of the needlepoint to reveal a jumble of colors and threads with no discernible pattern. And she'd say, "This is how we see our lives." Then she would turn the needlepoint over to reveal the design on the other side, and Corrie would conclude by saying: "This is how God views your life, and someday we will have the privilege of viewing it from His point of view." (pg. 98)

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