Thursday, November 30, 2006

I don't want a lot for Christmas.

I was just thinking how funny it is that people get upset about the commercialization of Christmas, and yet they buy still go out and buy gifts... If you are upset that Christmas has become more about selling and buying goods than the Christ Child, then maybe you shouldn't add to the problem. I personally don't expect the world to stop. Stories of babies come to save the world do not put as much cash in your pocket as ipods & Wii's. Sometimes I think Christians hurt the cause by whining and complaining and trying to change the rules instead of trying to change hearts. Christmas is going to be commercialized until Christ comes back and we don't need it anymore, or until we as Christians get busy about sharing the gospel with those who are lost in this world without a savior...

1 comment:

nattyman said...

It is funny how it seems everyone complains about the commercialization of Christmas yet few change their behavior.

Personally I think people just complain about it b/c they get sick of putting up will all of the other shoppers at the store and they want to keep others from going shopping so it won't be so busy for them ;-)