Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Turkey & The Speed of LIght

Hey everyone, first, I just want to wish anyone who looks at this a happy Thanksgiving. I thank God for all of my friends, their faith and families!
Second, I was thinking this morning when I woke up about the speed of light. Is it possible to create slow light? I mean does all light have the same speed? What gives it it's speed. The same with sound, are there slow sounds and fast sounds? Do different frequency's travel at different speeds?
I was laying there at 6 in the morning thinking how cool it would be if you could figure out a way to slow down light enough that you could see it move...

Anyway, happy Thanksgiving!


Anselm said...

Yep. The speed of light in a vacuum is constant (maximal). Light travelling in a given medium (such as air) has a slower velocity than c (light speed constant). The trick in slowing down light to the point of discerning its velocity with the naked eye is finding a medium with a high enough refractive index ("slowing" factor). In 2001, scientist were able to slow light down to about fifty feet per second in a heated gas medium. Same principle for sound.

Doug Wagner said...

Ok explain this question. Jonny, my grandson said that he know you could skip a grade if you were smart. He then ask if you could skip a year. like your 9 now and you turn 11 instead of 10. Now that my friends is a question for the ages

nattyman said...

I think that was part of the whole E = mc squared relativity thing.

I think you would have to travel faster than the speed of light to skip from age 9 to 11 though. But is that light at max speed or light at 50 ft/sec. Hmmmm....