Wednesday, November 15, 2006

The Pastoral Prayer

Today I was invited by our area Chamber of Commerce to lead them off in prayer. It's always funny to me when I get asked to do that type of thing. I know that it is a privilege and all that, it's just funny. I wonder if Jesus ever got asked to pray at events? If he'd a been praying, they would have only needed like two strips of bacon and three eggs (you know, cause he would have multiplied them - fish and bread - get it?). Well, I guess that's life as a Pastor, always interesting and sometimes funny. Always living in a weird dichotomy of trying to understand how to better spread the good news and how to remain personally faithful to Christ.
I must say as a side note, that I believe pastors should probably be better attenders of events like that than church board meetings. Hah. I'm sure many of those people there today were believers, but I know that I had a much better chance of rubbing shoulders with someone who is not than I do in my church. I often miss the exhilaration of discussing the passion and sacrifice of Christ with someone who has never heard it.

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