Monday, November 13, 2006

Pollo Politics

I'll be honest. We just got done with an election and I had no idea who to vote for. I always end up asking friends who they are voting for and why, and usually end up voting the way they do, so basically they get two votes, they are so lucky... I have two main problems with the political process. One, it bores me to . I mean really, who has time to wade through all of the junk that both sides sling. And two, I don't know that I have ever felt like I really have had a candidate that I feel like supports the ideals I uphold. I feel like I have this choice between conservative greed hounds or liberal lifestyle proponents and neither parties really fit the perspective that I see Jesus upholding. One group puts personal rights ahead of moral responsibility, the other uses moral responsibility as a cover up for greedy ambitions... Ahhhhh... I feel like a political chicken on both fronts - not a scaredy cat, don't get onto the wrong metaphor. I feel like I am running around in this poop filled coup and I aint got nowhere to go and nothing to say about it. Sure, I can vote, I can be a part of the political process, but in the end, does it matter? What meaning is there in being a part of a process that I want to have no part of?

Well, there ya go. Politics are deep and consorted- not the kind of water I really want to be treading in, so I will leave this arena for now and ponder other stuff...


lobiwan said...

Kent, politics is easy. All you have to do is find out who the NRA is endorsing.

Because the right to conceal and carry is a moral issue.

At least according to the voting guides they passed out at church.

You can call me Kentolla said...

did they really pass that out? I didn't see it, of course I never get a bulletin...

lobiwan said...

Yes--but it was a separate handout after church.